


Design for Transition International Conferences IV:

New System View in Design Transitions

20191024-26 | 无锡



协办:中国工业设计协会设计教育分会、机械工程学会工业设计专业教学指导委员会、全国工业设计工程领域工程硕士专业学位研究生教育协作组、 江南大学产品创意与文化研究中心、江南大学蒋震基金工业设计培训中心、江南大学开放创新研究院、美的未来生活创新实验室(江南大学) 、《创意与设计》杂志社






本届会议将邀请来自辛辛那提大学(美国)、米兰理工大学(意大利)、西安大略大学(加拿大)、普利茅斯大学(英国)、那不勒斯费德里克二世大学(意大利)、德黑兰大学(伊朗)、新加坡科技设计大学(新加坡)、奥胡斯大学(丹麦)、智利天主教大学(智利)、Srishti艺术设计太阳诚娱乐休闲场所(中国)有限公司官网(印度)、清华大学、湖南大学、同济大学、广东工业大学、北京科技大学等国际设计教育、设计实践领域的专家学者,和小天鹅有限公司、阿里巴巴、上海玛拉蒂家具有限公司等企业代表,共同进行主题演讲和专题分析。大会依托设计太阳诚娱乐休闲场所(中国)有限公司官网的国家引智基地和国际联合实验室平台,以“体验设计前沿方法与技术”、“建筑与遗产保护未来体验”、“品牌战略与未来体验系统”、“健康设计与健康家居”,以及设计2030” 等五个主题方向开展主题论坛讨论,并同步开展专题工作坊强化“新系统观”的深入构建。

Starting from 2016, Jiangnan University has been hosting the Design for Transition International Conference series to initiate the discussions on the transition and explorations on design education, research and practices in the new era, and to share the experiences and academic outcomes of the interdisciplinary and industrial new practices in international design discipline. On the basis of the discussions in the past three years on Design Research: The Transformation of Technology and Meanings (2016), Design Framework: Sustainable Creativity of Design (2017), and Diffused Transition and Design Opportunities (2018), the conference this year will continue the discussion from October 24th to 26th under the theme of New System View in Design Transitions.

Design today has been playing a tremendous role as the driving force in face of the future industrial, environmental, technological and social transitions. Such kind of design transitions on the one hand is the research analysis of the interdisciplinary problems and tendencies, on the other hand, it is also the exploration of the interdisciplinary innovative methods and solutions. The major difference in the design transition, as compared with the previous momentums, is the increased complexity, that is, the elements and relative process and relations that is faced by design issues today are far much exceeding the traditional design customary recognitions. Therefore, system view is definitely with new practical significance and relative recognition necessity. In the meantime, the reinforced systematic innovation design has become the new keywords for contemporary design education transformation and curriculum reconstruction.

Such integrated system view, not only is illustrated in lifestyle, products, environments, cities and social innovative thinking and methods, but also is a representative in the innovative and collaborative mechanisms in the new experiences of healthcare, branding and culture heritage; meanwhile it is also widely recognized in the integrated innovation and scenario application of intelligence technological system and design systems. In this new context, the sharing and the exploration of the frontiers views and practical progresses in terms of the way of its presentation, the new characteristics and impacts of the integrated system view, and how the emerging practices are being advocated in design and design education are of great importance.

On the basis of the discussions in the past three years, the 2019 conference will continue the discussion from October 24th to 26th under the theme of New System View in Design Transitions. The conference will be co-hosted by School of Design at Jiangnan University and the Experience Design Frontier Research Methodology and Technology Discipline Innovation Center (111 Center). It will invite experts and design practitioners from University of Cincinnati (USA), Politecnico di Milano (Italy),  University of Western Ontario (Canada), Plymouth University (UK), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China) and Tsinghua University(China), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Teran University (Iran), Srishiti School of the Arts (India), Singapore University of Technology and Design, to share their expertise in the frontiers of design, and it will also host four thematic forums under the topics of Experience Design Frontier Methodology and Technology, Healthcare Design and Healthy Home, Brand Strategy and Future Experience System, and Architecture and Heritage Protection for Future Experience, and Design 2030  for detailed discussions, and in the meantime, thematic workshops will also be hosted to further enhance the construction of the new system view.