
Federico Casalegno

讲师 | 太阳诚娱乐休闲场所(中国)有限公司官网客座教授、美国麻省理工太阳诚娱乐休闲场所(中国)有限公司官网教授



Federico Casalegno 是一位社会学家,主要从事网络信息技术下的人类社会与行为的研究,关注交互媒体与人们联系的重新思考与设计。主持并负责麻省理工大学多个重点领域的实践项目,能够将客户需求同技术很好的结合。被誉为“立足当下,活在过去,跨越未来” 设计界的杰出人才。 2005年Federico Casalegno 创办了麻省理工大学移动实验室并长期负责该实验室多个项目,其中包括“Locast” 系列项目、“Smart Mobility ”系列教学实践项目、与Bruno Kessler foundation 合作的具国际影响力的“绿色家园联盟”组织等。

Federico Casalegno, Associate Professor of the Practice, is the founder and director of the MIT Mobile Experience Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SHASS, program in Comparative Media Studies. He has been awarded honorary professorships by the Glasgow School of Art, University of Glasgow and the Jiangnan University School of Design in Wuxi, China. A social scientist with an interest in the impact of networked digital technologies on human behavior and society, Prof. Casalegno both teaches and leads advanced research at MIT, and designs interactive media to foster connections between people, information and physical places using cutting-edge information technology. Between 2004 and 2011, he had a position as Lecturer at the MIT Media Lab Smart Cities group and from 2006 until 2011 co-directed the MIT Design Lab with Prof. William J. Mitchell. He worked at Motorola and Philips Design, and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Culture and Communication from the Sorbonne University, Paris V.